President: Yvonne Moore
LWML Motto
Serve the Lord with Gladness - Psalm 100:2
Vice-President: Shirleen Erdmann
Secretary: Judy Easson
Treasurer: Pat Tucker
Programs: Elfrieda Christensen
Food: Yvonne Moore
Altar Guild: Elfrieda Christensen
Sunshine: Donna Greener, Susan Drake
The Tabitha Guild is the local arm of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML). The mission and the ministry of this group is to be an example of the work all Christians are called to do. The members of the Tabitha guild participate in LWML's programs of education, witness and mission support at home and abroad.
Tabitha Guild's goal is to meet with our sisters in Christ and to be of service to our congregation, our community, local and national institutions, and the church at large.
Tabitha Guild meets the THIRD TUESDAY of every month at 7:00 p.m., in the Parish Hall.
2023-2024 Tabitha Guild Calendar